Volleyball  World


Volleyball is a sport like no other. We bring people together, cheer for all & enjoy team play. Our mindset is to act as one. We treat men and women equal, and welcome everyone who wants to join our family. Our events and matches are celebrations of the best of the game, where fans get as sweaty as the athletes. It’s our togetherness mindset, and the electrifying experience, that makes us unique.

Introducing Volleyball World, the fan facing side of the FIVB. A new company, set up to enlarge the sport and increase viewership whilst maintaining the core values of the sport. We were challenged with pairing this new postioioning with a vibrant new visual style to modernise the asperations of the sport hilighting it allongside competing top level sports globally.

Everything from the updated logo, to the vibrant new colour pallete was recreated to enhance the new vision of the brand. Since crafting these guidelines we have been working to test and enhance them while creating live and engaging activations with the brand.

Created by Ogilvy Social.Lab with help from BlazeType

A flexible, integratabel design sytem.

The V-Form is crafted directly from the curves of our logo and morphs to each layout and size. Representing the emitting energy of the dynamic sport, the V-Form is an important part of our design language.

 With an expressive new typeface.

Together with the Blaze Type in Lyon, we created an expressive new typeface, inspired by the distortions the volleyball makes when impacted, captured in slow motion while the action unrolls.

 A social ecosystem with energetic flexibility at its core.

Our toolkit of core design elements is only the starting point of the social vision. Allowing these elements to be played with and explored in the social realm allows for the brand to stay flexible and adaptable.

The brand touches all key touch-points from hero key visuals and  down to all levels of merchandise.

-> ForPeople

© Harry Hobbs 2023